Office Address

123/A, Miranda City Likaoli Prikano, Dope

Phone Number

+0989 7876 9865 9

+(090) 8765 86543 85


Keep your roof in shape

Roofing Tune-Up

Full-service, licensed, and insured roofing contractors. We specialize in roof repair and roof replacement for both residential and commercial customers. We also welcome Emergency Roof Repairs.

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    what we offer

    We Provides Awesome Roofling Solutions

    Single Ply Roofing

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    Roofing Cleaning

    If you're looking at your roof and thinking it looks a little worse for wear, it might just need a good cleaning.

    Buildup Roofing

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    What we do

    Industrial Roofing

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    • Flat Roofing

      Flat roofs are an older style with a typical slope of 10°. They are commonly found on commercial buildings and require specific consideration for water resistance.

    • Rubber Roofing

      A style of membrane roofing used to move water off the roof. Rubber roofs are most commonly used on commercial buildings but can be beneficial for residential roofing as well.

    • Torched Down Rubber Roofing

      Designed for low-angle or flat roofs, torched down rubber roofing helps resist against harsher weather conditions and gives your roof a longer lifespan.